Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Just A Note

Oh well  hey there, its been a while, sorry I haven't posted in about 2 MONTHS!!!!

As you know I am a teenage blogger so unfortunately I have exams. I have been stressing out a lot lately due to this, I have been pretty much working non stop for months now, I haven't even been shopping! 

I forgot how much I loved blogging so gave myself a whole day off to rest for the first time in ages and I can defiantly say I need this. I have a few more posts due to upload soon so hopefully I will get back into some sort of routine.

I only have a few weeks left until my exams start but then I have over 20 exams spread over around a month. However the good thing is that after they are all over I have more than 10 weeks to myself before I go back in September.

I only have a few posts completed and ready to go up when i'm occupied so if you have any ideas about what you would like me to post please do not hesitate to tell me. You can either comment below, tweet me or even instagram me its up to you, I pretty much reply to everything sent to me by you guys because I love ya *insert that kissing emoji face* 

Any way I am really sorry about the lack of posts I promise I will try to upload more also I might treat myself to a new camera soon what do you think? What one should I get? Let me know. 
Love ya, 
Becky xxxx

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