Saturday, 10 January 2015

Beautiful England

Many people doubt English holidays this kind of year as it is cold and most likely raining however I find it a great way to wind down and relax and think about things. I find the sea side very calming and even though sometimes it is a horrible place England is in fact am amazing place and it doesn't get enough credit. 
I was going through my phone recently and found these photos from when I went to Dorset around October time. Some friends and I spent a week at the sea side just chilling out to be honest with you. We didn't plan anything and just winged it. The log cabin we stayed in was beautiful and in the middle of no where, I loved the sense of seclusion it brought. 
I assume that in a few months we will take another trip especially at the moment as a few of us have upcoming exams. So I can't wait for that
Becky xx
A/n whilst I was away in Florida I set up multiple blog posts to go up whilst I was away however they failed to publish, I'm not really sure what happened but I will upload them soon and try and keep to a schedule but I'm finding it difficult at the moment so sorry about that. x 

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