Friday, 13 May 2016

Let's talk about this, anxiety

What is anxiety?
Everyone gets anxious. It's the feeling we have when faced with something we're frightened of. Exams are a good example. We all worry about them, we tell ourselves "I know I'm going to fail", our heartbeat and breathing speed up as we walk into the hall to find our seat.

Ask yourself..
  • Do you get anxious or worried a lot of the time? Do you feel constantly on edge?
  • Do you get anxious about stuff other people are cool about?
  • Have you started to avoid situations that make you anxious?
  • Is it starting to get in the way of your life?
Don't beat yourself up. Sometimes our anxiety is triggered off by a difficult event in our lives. Divorce. Death. Illness. Bullying.
Other symptoms include feeling frightened, finding it hard to concentrate, difficulty sleeping and/or eating, feeling irritable. Some people experience panic attacks.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Let's talk about this..

"I don't feel well, I think I need to go home"
"oh have you been sick"
"no I just don't feel good lately, its not like a physical thing"
"oh well just see how you go.."

This is the story of my life, mental illness is not taken seriously in this day and age. Mental illness affects all of us in some way. It's in every family. Every school. Mental illness describes a million different ways in which we might stop thinking straight. Sometimes for long enough and badly enough that we can't function in our day-to-day lives. It affects one in ten teenagers.

The best thing you can do is to look after yourself. Eat well, exercise, relax and enjoy life. What is good for your body is good for your mind.
If you think something is wrong, you should get help. All mental illness can improve with treatment so speak to parents, trusted relatives or a GP, in confidence as soon as you suspect something isn't right. It can be daunting, but the sooner you get treatment, the sooner you can get better. Don't suffer in silence.

This is only a short one about mental health, I have spoken about my anxiety before in a previous blog post but I am planning a recent update where I will go more in depth and where you can go to find help because no one should suffer alone, and its something that needs to be spoken about more!!
Love you guys,
Becky xx

Friday, 4 March 2016


One of the reasons I created with this blog was to put forward all of my thoughts, this is because when it comes to talk to actual people that's where I struggle, I find it hard to find words and even when I do sometimes I don't say them. It is normal in this day and age, it is such a popular thing that many girls struggle with. About 40% of us would describe ourselves this way. It's only a problem if shyness stops us doing stuff we want to.

Being shy myself I was kinda of unsure as to why people are shy so I did abit of googling.
Sometimes people are born timid, while others become shy because of experiences they had, maybe in childhood. For example, being told not to show off or talk to strangers.Other people become shy because they experience things that make them wary - like being rejected, ridiculed or ignored. As a result, self-esteem gets lowered, so they start to avoid the things that made them feel bad - like social contact with other people. Then it becomes habit.

Saturday, 20 February 2016


Hey guys its a very emotional Becky here, I feel like stress does this to me a lot, I'm always so uptight about situations like exams and workload but then when its all over then what, nothing, all that stress for nothing.
I know that many people my age experience this type of stuff and its very common so here are some tips for you guys or even for loved ones to help realise some of the signs to look out for when some one needs your help.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Dealing with a parent with cancer part 2

Wow its been exactly two years today that I uploaded part one of this post, how time flies. It really has gone quick and I feel like my family is finally back to normal. In case you didn't read part one press here.

Friday, 8 January 2016

The end of an era

Well then, where to start.
Its has been a while. I know I have been off the radar before but not like this. I have been going through some of my posts recently and it seems that most of them are generic and aren't actually who I am, I don't care about the traffic, I don't care about the responses, so my posts should reflect that.
Beauty and nails are my thing I love to do it, like every girl does however I feel that there are so many other beauty bloggers out there more equipped to inform you guys with more experience and a better way of putting things. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is the end of girly things and other stuff.