Friday, 8 January 2016

The end of an era

Well then, where to start.
Its has been a while. I know I have been off the radar before but not like this. I have been going through some of my posts recently and it seems that most of them are generic and aren't actually who I am, I don't care about the traffic, I don't care about the responses, so my posts should reflect that.
Beauty and nails are my thing I love to do it, like every girl does however I feel that there are so many other beauty bloggers out there more equipped to inform you guys with more experience and a better way of putting things. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is the end of girly things and other stuff.

Ha you thought that was the end of this post sorry guys its not. This blog has been away for me to be able to talk about that is important to me and my thoughts ad feelings surrounding troubling things in my life. Since 2013 my blog has been a means for me to escape everything and just be myself which I find hard to do.
It is now 2016, my life has changed dramatically, this year again is another big year. I have my driving test. buying my first car and even travelling to the other side of the world!!

I feel like tis year is going to be a life changing one, I have new friends, a new job, new subjects and a new way of living. sure I'm still the same anxious little girl I always have been but I have been working on that. My new friends are amazing and I love them to pieces, we all have our own problems but we still love each other all the same, the future holds big things for all three of them and I really cant wait to see them get what they deserve, they all deserve great things.

I have also got closer to an old friends which has been great, taking me in under her wing and helping me through hard situations, I can honestly say that thanks to her my life has got so much better in the last two months and even though I'm the youngest and the smallest (obviously) I feel wanted for a change and that makes me happy.

As I said earlier I feel like this is the end of an era, there is still so much left to say and so many exciting things that I just want to rant about. So even though I will stop posting about beauty and all that boring stuff ;) doesn't mean I'm going to stop posting all together, there will be no routine no schedules I will just see where life takes me. so this could be the end or it could not, lets just see shall we..

So wow this is a weird feeling.. erm so.. well then this is hard..
Becky xx

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