Sunday, 5 January 2014

Black Ice Nails

These are the nails i had for new years eve, it is dark yet glamorous and very sophisticated.

All you need for this is a black nail polish, i used one with glitter in it as i thought it looked better but any black nail polish will do. A silver nail polish, a silver nail polish with small glitter pieces and a silver glitter with big glitter epics. You will also need some washing up sponges cut into small pieces.

The black is the base colour
Paint the silver onto sponge
Dab the sponge onto the tip of the nail, it doesn’t matter if it looks messy.
If the silver does not show up on the black them sponge some white on first before the silver.
Put the glitter onto the tip like doing a French manicure
Paint down to around half way only one coat of big glitter.
You want it thicker towards the top.
Paint the top third of the nail with the small glitter, don’t use strokes use the end of the brush and dab the glitter on.
When dry add a top coat.
They look better in person, the picture doesn’t do them justice, just try it out for yourself and see.
It takes longer to dry that normal nail polish due to the multiple layers.

As i said i did these for new years eve. I was supposed to go to Southampton however after a day of shopping my mum felt really ill so we went back home again instead of spending the night. Instead we stayed at home with some close family friends and had a really nice evening.

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