Ying Yang Nails
I am soooo in love with this design at the moment i think i have been wearing it for about 2 weeks, normally I get bored and change it after a few days but not this one! It is actually really simple you sort of need a steady hand to draw the first line with the nail art pen.
All you need is the following: A white nail polish, a black nail art pen, a black nail polish and a large dotting tool.
Step 1: paint your nails with the white nail polish
Step 2: Using the pen draw a swirly line like shown in the image below
Step 3: then using the black nail polish carefully paint one side of your nails
Step 4: Then using the dotting tool dipped in white put a dot in the top of the black side like shown.
Step 5: Then dip the tool in the black and place a dot in the bottom of the white side.
This is the completed design as I said its actually much more simple than it looks, if you try it out dont forget to send me a picture I love to see what you guys do, also I think this design would look super cute with hot pink and black however for the pink dot you may need to do a white dot first underneath for the pink to show up,
love you guys,
Becky xx
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