Monday, 16 December 2013

Christmas Nails day 1

Easy Christmas tree nails

Every day this week I will be doing Christmas nail tutorials just in time for Christmas I hope you enjoy and remember to ask if you have any requests. 

Start off with a base coat I used gold.

For this tutorial I used normal tape and scissors.

Cut two pieces of tape and place each side of the nail, with two corners meeting at the middle at the top of the nail and making the uncovered nail in a triangle shape.

Paint the nail green going onto the tape to create a better line.

These are the three colours I used on the Christmas tree, a glittery green, a dark green glitter and a light green glitter.

Just paint on the colours remembering to go onto the tape. Let the last coat of glitter dry before removing the tape. 

Instead of using a normal top coat I decided to use a glitter one to add some more glitter and glam to the design.

This is the final  look, these are super cute and super easy.

Hope you guys like it keep an eye on my blog for a tutorial every day  bye xxx

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