Friday, 13 May 2016

Let's talk about this, anxiety

What is anxiety?
Everyone gets anxious. It's the feeling we have when faced with something we're frightened of. Exams are a good example. We all worry about them, we tell ourselves "I know I'm going to fail", our heartbeat and breathing speed up as we walk into the hall to find our seat.

Ask yourself..
  • Do you get anxious or worried a lot of the time? Do you feel constantly on edge?
  • Do you get anxious about stuff other people are cool about?
  • Have you started to avoid situations that make you anxious?
  • Is it starting to get in the way of your life?
Don't beat yourself up. Sometimes our anxiety is triggered off by a difficult event in our lives. Divorce. Death. Illness. Bullying.
Other symptoms include feeling frightened, finding it hard to concentrate, difficulty sleeping and/or eating, feeling irritable. Some people experience panic attacks.